Sunday, August 19, 2012

How I Ended Up Married To Batman

K: can't wait to tell the world :)
H: wait...what????
G: Then tell us. Lol
K: ok. I'm secretly a cat. surprise! ahah
H: I knew it! I had my suspensions all along!
G: We already thought that lol
K: well darn :p well did you know I'm a super ninja cat dedicated to fighting cat crime across the country?! no, bet you didn't...
H: yes we did. sorry Katy
K: ok...I'll go cry in my corner
G: Your prolly the hand prints that appeared on my windshield one night while running around fighting cats lol
K: yep. you caught me haha
G: Haha, and what cat super hero/ninja has a crying corner? Lol
H: Batman does. i met him when i went undercover has Catwoman.
K: this one. it just gets to be too much sometimes! lol
G: If Haley is cat woman, what's your hero name Katy? Lol
H: i was only undercover as Catwoman. I'm really Superwoman.
H: I have the batmobile btw if anyone wants to go for a joy ride
K: super katy kat
G: Lmao, and that's why you have a crying corner. :p jk.
K: hahahah maybe so maybe so...
G: And who wouldn't want to ride in the bat mobile. Batman might be kinda pissed though sense you took away his main mode of transportation lol
K: he has the bat cycle which i think is pretty shweet also
H: true.
H: Katy i'll be in your area in .56 seconds
G: It's part of the bat mobile though. So Haley is just screwing batman over, but that is usually what cat woman does though
H: i really shouldn't be "texting" and driving the bat mobile. i might cra
K: poor, sexy batman. guess hell just have to stay at my house ;) ahahah
G: How did batman get to your house?!
G: And tell him to work on that voice lol
K: he's batman he can do anything. that's how! haha don't kill my dream! lmao
H: crap! he spotted me. i'm on the run. Katy, i'll be there soon
G: I'm pretty sure cats and bats don't get along very well. And Haley sounds like she might run him over while she's texting lol
K: noooo D: not sexy batman! Haley don't run him over!
H: i almost did hit him. now he's on the roof. i have to swerve hold on
G: Haha. Haley, that wasn't a speed bump you just rolled over!
K: nooooo D: I'll be in my crying corner
H: I got away. but he just called the car and i told him that i can be his personal driver and then he said he'll think about it
G: Haha, I guess you'll just have to settle for robin the boy wonder lol
K: well since robin is Joseph Gordon Levitt I think I'll be ok :)
G: No worries, he's rich too
H: I stopped the car and he got in and told me i can be his driver if i give up being Catwoman. what do i do?
G: So you're just going to start stalk piling men in your house? Lol
G: You ask him for a ring, duh lol
H: ok done!
K: is that a problem?! lmao
G: After a few guys it might start being looked at the wrong way lol
G: And Haley just stole batman from you Katy lol
K: hmmm good point. going to have to find more houses and maybe pay off some officials lol
K: and noooo :( Haley how could you?!
G: Haha, and where is all your money coming from? Lol
K: going to have to rob banks for this or just marry robin divorce and take half his money
42 minutes ago via mobile · Like
G: Robin only gets rich is batman is dead, remember he is just a child delinquent saved by batman
G: ‎*if
H: sorry. It was the only way.
K: ugh why do you always have to kill my dreams somehow?! lol
H: I asked him if he had any super rich, single, superhero friends
G: And just solving cat crime prolly doesn't pay to much, maybe you can't trade some meow mix for money lol
G: ‎*can
K: I can appear on commercials to endorse cat products. boom! solution
G: Because maybe I work for the dark side :p lol
H: are you Darth Vader?
K: are you my father?!
G: Yes that awkward moment when a girl in a unitard dressed like a cat starts eating cat food. Lol
G: Not that I know of. If I am I owe a lot in child support lol
K: that could fund my man fund hahah
H: but are you Darth Vader?
G: If I'm your father I'm not letting you spend it on a man fund lol, and I can't give up my secret identity lol
H: dang! haha we gave up ours
G: And now I can defeat you haha!
K: you can't tell me what to do! you weren't there! you abandoned me! ahah
G: You can clearly tell from my picture I am the abominable snowman!
H: Cool! (no pun intended) I met Big Foot once
G: I still wouldn't whore out my daughter, already low on the father of the year list, I think that would hit rock bottom lol
G: That's my cousin lol, he's even taller than me!
H: I tried to hook up with me. so not my type. i like Bats and Cats
H:‎*he. sorry driving the batmobile still over here
G: So you like smaller? Eh lmao
G:‎* smaller eh?
K: I like tall guys ;) ahahah
G: The bat mobile is fast, how have you still not gotten to where you are going? Lol
H: idk where I'm going. the gps is broken right now and Batman keeps yelling at me
K: hahah marriedlife
G: You best not be talking about incest haha.
H: Katy, are you saying: Big Foot > Robin
H: wait! when did i get married?
K: if robin is tall then no lol
G:You married batman like 20minutes ago
G: And robin is super short
H: i thought i just got engaged not married
K: nooooo :(
K: stop crushing my dreams, dad! you're ruining my life!!!
G: Close enough, and sorry Katy, you knew the truth was coming
H: that's what father's do ruin your life
H: guess where we just ended up?
G: Lmao
K: Mexico?
H: ‎Katy! quick go outside! we're going to pick you and Robin up before heading to the next place
H: no back in tally
K: yay! I'll head downstairs! ahah
G: That gps would really have sucked if she ended up in Mexico lol
H: the gps is broken! it tells me i'm going in circles and that i'm flying
G: Well which bat mobile are you in, cause it could be right, you could just really suck at driving lol
K: can fly up to my window so I don't have to walk downstairs? lol jk
G: Katy = laziest super hero/ninja ever
H: yup! look outside. Batty (my nickname for him) told me it does fly and i've been hovering the whole time
G: And there's your problem lol, just don't hit Katy as she jumps from her window, who know how many lives she has left lol
H: she made it in safely. we're now on our way to pick up Robin
K: ‎2 lol I'll take the
H: but you're already in the. crap! your clone is in the car
G: I think Katy wants Bigfoot over robin lol
H: yup. but i need her at the next place we're going as well as Robin lol
K: so difficult. Bigfoot is tall but robin is Joseph Gordon Levitt ergggg decisions decisions. I choose James Franco instead ;)
G: Haha, but he goes everywhere in a speedo
H: ‎Katy i don't see you...
K: that's just fine ;) ahahah
G: Haha plus is he even 18?
H: yeah he is
H: so Robin is busy so we invited James Franco instead
K: James Franco is like 30 something I think
H: Katy! there's James! oops i flew over him. hold on while i turn around
G: Haha, so you like those older guys? Lol
H: well, we are almost to our destination and Batty says, "are you sure we should do this?" meanwhile: James and Katy are swapping spit in the back seat
K: maybeeeee lol
G: Dang Katy, doesn't take you long lol
H: we're in Vegas!!!! at the Elvis Chapel!
G: Good thing robins always covered in latex! Haha
H: well this went from PG to X rated really fast
G: This also went wrong a lot of other places lol
K: I'm with James now!
H: Just said my I Do's! I'm married to Batman bitchezzzzzzz
G: Close enough lol
H: i wonder if i could change my facebook status now...
G: Hopefully you don't want kids, he has the same problem as robin lol
H: But when he's not Batman he's not
G: Maybe he's a never nude like Tobias in arrested development lol
H: he doesn't shower with clothes on. i know this personally
K: funny show
G: Didn't take you long either lol, you ladies need to slow down and enjoy the ride a little first lol
G: And yes one of the best shows ever
Haley Scherr how would you know?
G: How would I know what?
H: oh nevermind i thought you wrote best SHOWER ever
H: i'm flying to Europe right now for our Honeymoon
G: Haha, no, I'm not a creeper.
H: I didn't think you were
G: So does the bat mobile have a shower? And did poor Katy have to watch cause it seems like you have been in there all night lol
K: ahahah dyingggg
H: yes and a bedroom. but the bedroom is occupied by James and Katy
G: Yea, this has been one very long conversation. And my phone is dead because of it lol
H: yeah it has but it made my night
G: Tell Katy to get out of there, she has only known the guy like ten minutes lol
K: hahah my phone was fully charged at the beginning of all this. now it's at like 45% darn it you guys hahah
H: we just landed at Katy and James' Hotel. and now Batty and i are on our way to our apparently Summer house
H: my phone is plugged in and i'm on my computer
G: Haha, this has only killed 20% on my iPad, but my phone is taking a huge hit from all the texting
H: haha well there's over 100 posts
G: So much for not going for it all on the first date, if you can even call a car ride to a hotel a date lol
H: it's ok. I hit my guy before marrying him
G: That could be takin different ways lol
H: i ran him over before marrying him
H: with his car...
G: If that were a true story you would a horrible person lmao
G: ‎^be
H: omg! i would be crying and saying sorry over and over if that ever happened
G: Hopefully you don't have bad karma, cause the next guy you hit could be him lol
H: but then i'd marry him so it could be a good thing?
Haley Scherr and i've never hit anyone before.
G: Depends on how badly you hurt him lol
H: i would barely hit him so he wouldn't get anything but a few scratches
G: Yea good luck planning that one out, see a guy on the sidewalk, and drive up on the side walk so you can hit him softly
H: ok deal!
H: you know last semester a guy was walking down the isle to park and i almost hit him but he moved in time
H: *aisle
G: Must have been flash, he's a hard one to hit lol
H: i thought it was him but he went by too fast to tell
K: promise me I win be in the car when you attempt this...
H: win?
K: won't*
H: would you be in the car behind me?
H: Batty wants to go to sleep. so i guess this is where i get off
G: Katy will be in the hotel gettin down with the justice league lol
H: LMFAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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