Monday, July 27, 2020

What a year-2020

This year isn’t even over and it is already insane to say the least. I guess I’ll start from the beginning.

January: I went to the local zoo with my friend, her 2 kids, and my parents. It was a nice day to just hang out. Later that month my family and I went to EPCOT’s Festival of the Arts. It was a fun time. My niece loved it! At the end of the month I went to Universal with some friends. I almost flew off of Jurassic Park never to be seen again. But otherwise, it was a blast!!

February: One of my friends from my Masa program came down and we went to Magic Kingdom. We took so many pictures and showed off our sassiness. If I would’ve known now what was to come after, I would’ve gone to the parks one more time. Alas, this was my last trip to the parks before COVID-19 struck. Just a few days after going to Magic Kingdom, I was hit by a bad bronchitis (could’ve been covid but the antibody test was negative a few months after this). I was sick for days. I didn’t know how I sick I was when I participated in a charity bowl a thon. Had fun though.

March: covid was getting worse in the states and things were starting to shut down. But before that happened here, the family and I went to Universal for a nice fun day out. My niece loved splashing in the splash pad and riding the carousel. Overall, it was a great day! March 15th my job shut down. We were closed for 3 months. I worked 2 months out of our closure. Covid is a very scary disease. You can have it and not have symptoms and still spread it. The rest of the month I stayed home, went on walks, and did grocery pickups from Walmart. 

April: went back to work after having a month off. Work was nice. Peaceful and creepy at the same time. Covid was getting worse and people were in quarantine at home. I did mini photo shoot on my balcony to help with the boredom. My cat and I loved to be out there. 

May: since Covid took away my birthday plans, I went to work and celebrated there. Then went over to my brother’s house to celebrate with them and my niece. It was nice. I also tried to grow a garden during Florida’s wet season so that didn’t work. I also visited my parents since they were home alone. We hung out with my niece too. She’s a cutie!! At the end of the month my parents and I went to the beach and it was amazing. People kept distant from each other and it was peaceful. 

June: my niece turned 2!! We celebrated that. And then our state opened up restaurants and shops to 50%. So my friends and I went to brunch and to get drinks at Disney springs. We wore our masks and stayed apart from everyone else. We were trying to be responsible while being out. Went to work and hung out with my parents some more. And went to the beach. It was my niece’s first time and she loved it.

July: covid ruined our vacation plans so instead we went to the beach for dad’s birthday. It was nice. Then I had to work nonstop. Oh all while buying a house. So that’s where we are now. At the end of July. Working so much that my feet wish I had an office job. 

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